Conference Papers


#) "Large Planning Model for Efficient Human-Robot Collaboration on Long Horizon tasks" Coming Soon .... 2024


#) S. Patki, J. Arkin, N. Raicevik, and T.M. Howard, "Language Guided Temporally Adaptive Perception for Efficient Natural Language Grounding in Cluttered Dynamic Worlds," In 2023 International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Oct. 2023

[paper] [video]


#) J. Arkin, S. Patki, J. Rosser, and T.M. Howard, "An Efficient Algorithm for Visualization and Interpretation of Grounded Language Models", In IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN). Sept. 2022



#) J. Rosser, J. Arkin, S. Patki and T.M. Howard, "Resolving Ambiguity via Dialogue to Correct Unsynthesizable Controllers for Free-Flying Robots", In IEEE Aerospace Conference. Mar. 2023



#) J. Rosser, J. Arkin, S. Patki, and T.M. Howard, "Natural Language Interaction with Synthesis Based Control for Simulated Free-Flying Robots," In 2020 International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space. Oct. 2020

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#) S. Patki, E. Fahnestock, T.M. Howard, and M. Walter, "Language-guided Semantic Mapping and Mobile Manipulation in Partially Observable Environments," In Conference on Robot Learning. PMLR, Oct. 2019, vol. 100, pp. 1201-1210

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#) S. Patki, A. Daniele, M. Walter, and T.M. Howard, "Inferring Compact Representations for Efficient Natural Language Understanding of Robot Instructions," In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. May 2019, pp. 6926-6933

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#) S. Patki and T.M. Howard, "Language-guided Adaptive Perception for Efficient Grounded Communication with Robotic Manipulators in Cluttered Environments," In 19th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue. Jul. 2018

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Journal Papers


#) Walter, Matthew R., Siddharth Patki, Andrea F. Daniele, Ethan Fahnestock, Felix Duvallet, Sachithra Hemachandra, Jean Oh, Anthony Stentz, Nicholas Roy, and Thomas M. Howard. "Language Understanding for Field and Service Robots in a Priori Unknown Environments." In Field Robotics 2021

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Workshop and Symposium Papers


#) E. Fahnestock, S. Patki, and T.M. Howard, "Language-guided Adaptive Perception with Hierarchical Symbolic Representations for Mobile Manipulators," In 6th AAAI Fall Symposium Series on Artificial Intelligence for Human-Robot Interaction. Nov. 2019

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#) A. Boteanu, J. Arkin, S. Patki, T.M. Howard, and H. Kress-Gazit, "Robot-Initiated Specification Repair through Grounded Language Interaction," In AAAI Fall Symposium on Natural Communication for Human-Robot Collaboration. Nov. 2017

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Conference Abstracts and Posters

1) J. Rosser, J. Arkin, S. Patki, and T.M. Howard, "A Framework for Grounded Language Communication in Human-Robot Teams with Synthesis Based Control for Space Exploration," In Human Robot Interaction for Space Robotics Workshop at the 2020 International Conference on Social Rootics. Nov. 2020

2) S. Patki, J. Arkin, E. Fahnestock, and T.M. Howard, "A Framework for Proactive and Adaptive Natural Language Interaction in Dynamic and Unstructured Environments," In 2nd Robot Teammates Operating in Dynamic, Unstructured Environments (RT-DUNE) at the 2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation. May 2019